It’s Not About the Hike

Nancy Sporborg & Pat Piper will be at the Pember Library Thursday, November 8 at 6:00 PM to discuss their book and their experience. The book is It’s Not About the Hike.

Here’s how they describe their experience:

We all have our own mountains to climb. Your mountain may be a 4,000-footer in the White Mountains. But it could also be going to college, getting a job, bringing up children, caring for aging parents or dealing with an illness. Maybe your mountain is reorganizing a business, tackling a difficult project, losing weight or starting an exercise program. It’s your own personal mountain and it is hard.

It’s Not About the Hike is a presentation that will bring you into your heart, lift your spirits, and inspire you to climb that next mountain in your life. It is not a presentation of “look at these two women…see what they did.” It is a presentation of “look inside you…you can do it too.” You will want to go back and hear it again and again, bringing friends and family to share the experience.

This hour-long program highlights the journey of two 50 plus year old non-hikers who one day decided to climb the 67 mountains in New England over 4,000 feet. Nancy Sporborg and Pat Piper are two ordinary women who went on an extraordinary journey over the mountain summits and into their hearts. This is the story of what they found inside themselves as they hiked over 1,600 miles to the tops of over 244 mountains through all four seasons.

This presentation is for everyone — hikers and non-hikers, people who are sedentary or active, outdoor enthusiasts and indoor homebodies, 10 year olds and 90 year olds and everyone in between. The presentation is NOT about the hike; it is an inspirational and motivational program about pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zones, overcoming our fears, finding our passions and living our lives to the fullest.

This talk is a multi-media presentation including movies, music and photographs. It is both humorous and touching, as the speakers share about their personal lives in a way that makes the message and learning universal.

The book, It’s Not About the Hike, will be offered for sale after the presentation. The book contains 360 pages, over 245 color pictures, and 60 inspirational hike reports for $34.95. If you enjoy the presentation, you will love the book!

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