Lucy’s Birthday
In celebration of Lucy’s fourth birthday, the Rutland Animal Shelter will be here. There may be some kittens here who are waiting to be adopted and maybe a puppy looking for a home. In lieu of gifts, please bring donations for the shelter: dry cat food towels blankets cat toys love We will also accept cash donations to buy kitty litter and  nutritious food  for Lucy.
Pember Board Meeting
A meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Pember Library and Museum will be held on the first Wednesday of each month at the Pember. This is a regular meeting and open to the public.
Pember Presents: Legends and Lore of the Lakes
Join us as Ray Gaylord, high school social studies teacher, talks about the Legends and Lore of the Lakes. Ray always has some interesting information to share. Please feel free to contribute any tales you may have heard.
Computer Classes
Beginning computer classes will once again be offered thanks to a grant from The Washington County Home for Aged Women. Barbara Young will teach five 1 1/2 hour sessions beginning December 3. Sign up now to get a place in the class. The class size is limited to eight people.
Fireside Stories
Johanna Dekalb will be reading for our Fireside Stories this month. Join us for some fun stories and a craft on these Saturdays: October 2: Harvest October 9: Autumn Leaves October 16: Pumpkins October 30: Cats Suitable for pre-school to early elementary age children.