These are just a few of the things you can access from home including books, music, science, birds and more. Overdrive. allows you to access ebooks and audiobooks from home. OverDrive Instant Card: get a library card immediately to access e-books & audiobooks, using a mobile phone number. You can also sign up for an instant digital card via the Libby app on your phone. 24/7 access to wi-fi. No password required. Museums hosting virtual tours: More Museums …
Author: KDesantis
For parents looking for a craft to do with your toddlers, here is an idea for Easter eggs that doesn’t require eggs: Print out the egg template and have your child paint or color the page. When they are done, cut out the eggs and string them in a garland to decorate your home. I don’t have the same supplies available at home as are in the library. So I printed out the template and used my watercolor paints. I …
Tuesday, April 14, 2020 at 12 PM – 12:40 PM We can’t bring Dave to the Pember during this time of isolation so Dave is doing the next-best thing, performing online through Facebook Live for our enjoyment. Join performer and teaching artist Dave Ruch Music for a fascinating concert of traditional Adirondack music and stories. You’ll find the live event at the following link on Tuesday at Noon EDT You do not need a facebook account to join the …
Here’s a link to information on where to get free music, theater, and more during the coronavirus isolation.
The Washington County Tourism site has a tab about Covid-19 and how we are managing in our little corner of the world. They said: “Many of our small and larger businesses are being directly effected by the restrictions placed on travel, dining out, and events. Business in Washington County continues to maintain their world class level of service and quality to customers and have adapted to the changes, Please see below for a list of known businesses, and their hours/updates. …
The Pember will remain closed until further notice. There’s no way to put a date on it until we see how the CoVid-19 pandemic plays out. Please keep any library materials you have checked out. Nothing is due to be returned until at least the end of April . And there will be no fines charged.
CoVid-19 information and guidelines are changing daily, sometimes hourly. The information in the Granville Sentinel was written last week before we were asked not to allow curbside service. Our not-for-profit organization was determined to be one of those needing to reduce our workforce by 100%. I can retrieve messages left on the library phone and respond from home if appropriate and I see the FaceBook page and get email while I am home. I apologize for any confusion.
There is no business to come before the board for this month. This month’s meeting is cancelled. We plan to meet at our regular scheduled time in April.
The Pember will be closed from 3/16 through 3/31 due to the current Covid-19 Pandemic. We will then re-evaluate and make a decision to remain closed or to reopen. Please remember you can use the Libby/Overdrive app on your devices to checkout e-books and e-audiobooks using your library card. You can still access our WiFi (Library Wireless) directly outside the library building. You can also access the Pember Museum collection digitally at the following link: NO books are due …
The Pember will be closed from 3/16 through 3/31 due to the current Covid-19 Pandemic. We will then re-evaluate and make a decision to remain closed or to reopen. Please remember you can use the Libby/Overdrive app on your devices to checkout e-books and e-audiobooks using your library card. You can still access our WiFi (Library Wireless) directly outside the library building. You can also access the Pember Museum collection digitally at the following link: We will be available …
Please do not worry about returning books, audios, videos, anything to the Pember if you are ill. We have suspended all fines until the end of April.