Quilling classes
Quilling is an art form that involves the use of strips of paper that are rolled, shaped, and glued together to create decorative designs. Pre-registration is not required, materials provided. This fall we will be working on an advanced project. For information, call 518-642-2525.
Fireside Stories
Join us for story time near the wonderful “marbleized slate” fireplace on Saturday mornings! November 13 – America Recycles! reading by Robin November 20 – Linda will have a Thanksgiving program complete with snacks and crafts. November 27 – Grandma PatO will read stories about hibernation.
Lucy’s Birthday
In celebration of Lucy’s fourth birthday, the Rutland Animal Shelter will be here. There may be some kittens here who are waiting to be adopted and maybe a puppy looking for a home. In lieu of gifts, please bring donations for the shelter: dry cat food towels blankets cat toys love We will also accept cash donations to buy kitty litter and  nutritious food  for Lucy.
Pember Board Meeting
A meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Pember Library and Museum will be held on the first Wednesday of each month at the Pember. This is a regular meeting and open to the public.
Meeting room available
We have a meeting room available for small groups during regular hours at the Pember Library. It comfortably seats four to eight people. Please make reservations to use the room at least 48 hours in advance.
Pember Presents: Legends and Lore of the Lakes
Join us as Ray Gaylord, high school social studies teacher, talks about the Legends and Lore of the Lakes. Ray always has some interesting information to share. Please feel free to contribute any tales you may have heard.
First Friday
Here are some scenes from the “First Friday” event held at the Pember October 1, 2010