Lucy Pics
From Bernie: Well, Miss Lucy is back at home with me for 4 days. She will miss the library patrons. Lucy is in a much better mood this time. She is rollin in her litter box. Yes, it’s clean. She’s hiding out in the bathroom next to my spare cage, looking out windows, and getting in my lap. She got her brushing for the day. Tomorrow…nails trimmed! At 4am I found her sitting on the toilet tank looking out the …
Pember Recycles!
The Pember Library and Museum is starting a print cartridge, cell phone, iPod, digital camera, GPS device and laptop recycling program. This program is free and convenient for our organization and will generate CASH to be spent on items that we need. It’s an alternative to the traditional fundraisers because there is no buying or selling – only collecting what would normally be thrown away. A collection container, clearly marked and accessible during normal operating hours, will be placed at …
Meeting room available
We have a meeting room available for small groups during regular hours at the Pember Library. It comfortably seats four to eight people. Please make reservations to use the room at least 48 hours in advance.
Pember Presents: Legends and Lore of the Lakes
Join us as Ray Gaylord, high school social studies teacher, talks about the Legends and Lore of the Lakes. Ray always has some interesting information to share. Please feel free to contribute any tales you may have heard.
We have people coming in every week to enjoy the company of others while they work on their crafting (fiber therapy.) Please join us for a while to show off your work or to get help if you are stuck on how to do something.
READ RUN 5K Run/Walk on Sunday, June 13, 2010
Only a few weeks until the 2010 READ RUN 5K Run/Walk on Sunday, June 13, 2010 BONUS PRIZES AND MORE… Register online at Every dollar from registrations and sponsors allows Literacy New York Greater Capital Region to continue to provide free tutoring to hundreds of adults each year. We invite you to raise even more money for Literacy New York Greater Capital Region by asking friends, family and colleagues to sponsor you! The individual who raises the MOST money …
It is taking me longer than planned to put together the panels for the “lapghans.” As usual, there are too many other obligations… We will continue to provide a space for those who want to get together with their yarn projects, get a little help or some encouragement, or maybe just have a chat while you are working.  Alice is working on another baby afghan, Peggy is making more chemo hats and I am still on the same granny afghan.
Veterans’ Clock Follow the link above to read the original articles from the Granville Sentinel about the dedication of the Veterans’ Clock. John Manchester located the original articles and we printed them out from microfilm here at the library. Matt has copied the articles to his blog. About 1000 people were there for the dedication of the clock in September 1943. I’m looking forward to a re-dedication after the clock has been restored. For those who may want to contribute to …
Library Survey
Please take a moment to fill out the patron survey to help the New York Library Association have statistics to present in their advocacy efforts with the State Legislature. The Legislature will be reconvening on April 7th to resume budget negotiations. Just click on the “Library Survey” link to the left and you should be able to complete the survey in less than a minute. Thank you.