HeritageQuest webinar
Do you love HeritageQuest but wish you could get a little more out of it? ProQuest is offering training webinars to help you. There is one September 17 at 2:30 PM and another October 14 at 12:00 PM. http://www.proquest.com/en-US/support/training/webinars.shtml From  the above link, choose “genealogy.” You can access these from home but you do need to register in advance.The webinar should take approximately two hours. To register for a webinar, click the Event name in the Upcoming Events section or …
Did you know?
Sometimes you learn new things just by accident. I have been using the computer or online card catalog for the Pember since about 1994. It has changed several times during those years. I tried to look up some books a couple of weeks ago for a library theme and got way too many hits to comfortably sift through so I looked at advanced settings (which is “Open Search Options” under the search boxes). I can narrow down my search by …
email notices
We have the ability to generate overdue notices, hold notices and ‘almost due’ notices by email. If you would like to get this service, please give your current email address at the circulation desk next time you check out and we will set this up for you. Hold notices are generated overnight and will be delivered to your email by morning. ‘Almost due’ notices come three days before your item is due. Overdue notices are sent when your item is …
Did you know…?
…that you can see a list of new items we have added to the Pember Library’s collection by going to the catalog link and clicking on the arrow near ‘New Stuff’ at the bottom of the left column… Your choices are Fiction, Nonfiction, Children’s Books, or Videos/DVD. There is a link to New Stuff in the left column on this page that will get you there also. You can choose to subscribe to ‘New Stuff’ in RSS Reader if you …
Pember Presents: Jack and the Scarlet Runner Beanstalk: Gardening with Children
Join us at the Pember Wednesday evening, when Sue Kowaleski will talk about a few options for planting a little garden with/for children. She will have a powerpoint to show with some fun vegetables for adults to grow with children. There would still be time for participants to get a little garden in the ground after June 17. Think about kids picking beans they planted themselves to have for supper! Or carving their own jack-o-lantern in October after watching it …
Job Searching & Resume Information
In light of the ever growing unemployment numbers, the Southern Adirondack Library System created a resource to help us guide patrons who come into the library looking for job and resume assistance. The following information was compiled by the Southern Adirondack Library System in March 2009. The New York State Library Division of Library Development has a great site devoted to information about what public libraries are doing to help job seekers; their webpage also has links to many helpful …
Using the E-Mail Link
Sending an email through the link on the right may be a little tricky. If you click on “Email” and an email program opens that you usually use, you are all set. However, if it opens an email program that you don’t usually use, try this: Click on “Email.” Copy the email address that appears in the “to” field. Open your email program in a  new window or new tab. Paste the email address into the “to” field in your …