Join us on Sunday, August 23 from 1-4 PM for a showing of Jordan Flower’s paintings. We have 19 original paintings done in the past 2 years of some of Jordan’s favorite spots in upstate New York and Vermont. Paintings and prints will be available to buy.
If you are interested in attending please phone the library (518-642-2525) and sign up for specific time slot. Times will be 1 PM – 1:50PM, 2- 2:50, 3– 3:50 and more if needed. 40 people may sign up for each time slot. Everyone will vacate the building for the last ten minutes of each hour, so that the building can be sanitized for the next group. Masks are also required while in the library, but there will be a prize for the most unique mask worn that day donated by Evergreen Slate.

In addition to the paintings shown below, we will have prints of the painting of the high school. The original has already been sold.