Viewing and Renewing Items Out

Each page of your Patron Account shows the total number of items you have currently checked out from the library. In addition, you can view a list of the materials you currently have checked out, and renew items if your library provides this option. Occasionally, you may not be able to renew items because there is a problem with your account. For example, your account may be blocked to verify information, you may owe the library money, you may have too many overdue items checked out, or you may have too many disputed or lost items. Sometimes renewals are blocked for certain items even when there is no problem with your account. For example, an item may satisfy another patron’s hold request, or it has already been renewed the maximum number of times allowed. Library policy determines if an item can be renewed.

View and renew checked-out items

Follow these steps to see information about the items you have checked out from the library, and to renew items.

1. Click Patron Account on the menu bar, and log in.

2. Click Items Out on the Patron Account submenu to display the list of your current checked-out items.

You can click a title in the list to search for the title in the library catalog and see full information about the title in the search results.

The Items Out page displays the format, call number, the item’s library branch, due date, and number of renewals left for each checked-out item.

3. To sort the list, click the arrow in the Sort by box and select a sorting order. You can sort by Assigned Branch, Call Number, Due Date, Format, Renewals Left, or Title.

4. To view details about an item, click next to the item you want to view.

More information about the item is displayed.

5. Click Back to return to the Items Out page.

6. To renew one or more items, do one of the following actions:

• Select the check box by the title for each request that you want to renew, and click Renew selected items.

• Click Renew all items to renew all the items.

Some items may be limited to a specific number of renewals. This number displays in the Renewals left column.

A message informs you which items have been renewed, and whether any renewals have been blocked. If you receive a message that a renewal has been blocked, and you have further questions about your account or the item, contact a library staff member.

7. Click Back to return to the My Record page, or click Log Out to quit Patron Access functions and protect your privacy.