2012 Annual Dinner and Silent Auction

We are planning our annual dinner and silent auction which will be held at the Lake St Catherine Country Club. We are seeking donations of products or services that can be auctioned to raise funds for general operating costs.

All donations are tax deductible.

Dinner tickets can be purchased from us, $40 per person or $75 per couple.  You can bid by attending the dinner, or you can email or call us.  Email bids will be accepted up to 12:00pm on the day of the dinner.

These categories may change or expand as items come in:

Auction Items ~ Art: Paintings, Prints, Photos

Auction Items ~ Baskets

Auction Items ~ Furniture

Auction Items ~ Gift Certificates

Auction Items ~ Hand Made

Auction Items ~ Handy Man

Auction Items ~ Home Decor

Auction Items ~ Jewelry

Auction Items ~ Potpourri

Auction Items ~ Wine & Dine

Raffle Item ~ Telescope Furniture