#66 Matted and framed original pastel- one of a kind by Tom Kerr, value $350, open at $100Item # 5: The 8x10 print of the fisher and bird's eggs framed with rustic frame donated by Daniel Leary is valued at $125 with an opening bid of $40.Item # 1 Original 4x6 b&w photograph by Shelley Hartman in black frame, value $10 opening bid $5
# 52 14x18 Sleigh Scene Painting w/gold frame painted & donated by D. Funari, value $50, open at $20Item # 18 Vermont Winter Photograph Matted & in Rustic Grey 16x20 wooden Frame by Bob Burgess - $75 starting @ $25#51 16x20 Framed & Matted (Fig. 42) Painted Leaf photograph value $300, open at $100
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