Closed today
The library will be closed today , Tuesday, March 19, because of the late winter storm. Lucy got plenty of food and water yesterday so she is fine. We’ll open again tomorrow at 1:00 PM.
Library Closed Today
The library will be closed again today due to the bad weather. We apologize for any inconvenience. The Teddy Bear tea will be postponed to next Saturday, February 16.
Pember Wish List
Throughout December, we had a Wish List in the library and posted online. We got many donations for childrens’ books and movies, and a couple of audio books. We truly appreciate the generosity of all the people who are helping us to add to our collection. I want everyone to know that we were totally blown away by a lovely letter stating that dreams do come true and enclosing a check for $250 to help us replace the storm door …
Holiday Wish List
The Holiday Wish List is up at the Pember Library. Help us add to our collection. Each item will have a special bookplate with donor’s name. Supplies we need: Copy paper in Colors to make brochures and flyers $10.00 per ream Storm Door for handicap entrance $250.00 Case of Copy Paper $35.00 Tri-fold paper towels $45.00 2 6-foot folding tables $42.00 each Here are some books, movies, and audios we would love to have. Contact the library if you would …
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Holiday Auction
This is a silent auction of gift-able items which may include Christmas decorations, store-bought or handmade items, artist pieces and who knows what else. Bidding on the items will run from 6:00-7:00pm. However, they will be displayed at the library in the previous week(s) and you will be able to bid on them then.   This auction will be different from our summer auction. Usually we have a bid sheet where you can see the current bid amount but this …
UPDATE: The New York State Library regretfully announces that its subscription to the JobNow™ database, including the Adult Learning Center made available as part of the online resources available through the NOVELny platform, ended on April 30, 2013.   obNow, also available through the NOVELNY Portal and funded by federal ARRA funds through the State Library’s Broadbandexpress@yourlibrary BTOP Project, is an online service for job seekers that features the following services: live interview coaching; resume/cover letter assistance, and access to …