Libri Grant

The Pember Library received 78 new books for toddlers through high school in May. The books were awarded to the library through the Libri Foundation of Eugene, Oregon “Books for Children Grant.” The grant is a matching funds grant in which the library can receive up to $1050 worth of books provided they raise one third of the cost outside of the library’s regular budget process.

The Friends of the Pember Library gave the $350 needed to receive the full amount of the grant. The Friends raise funds through their annual book sale. Thanks to a generous donation The Libri Foundation received from Hal Berenson and Laura Ackerman, our library also received a bonus of $350 worth of math and science books.

The new books include both fiction and nonfiction. Historical and scientific topics are covered in the nonfiction. The fiction consists of picture books for little ones, early reader books, and juvenile and young adult fiction. There should be something for everyone. The books are processed and ready for checkout and will be on display at the library for the rest of the month. They will then be shelved with the rest of the children and youth collections.

The Libri Foundation, which awards the Books for Children Grant, was established in 1989 with the sole purpose of helping rural libraries acquire new, quality, hardcover books for children and young people. Since October of 1990, the foundation has donated over $3,500,000 worth of new books to more than 2,600 libraries in 49 states.

The Pember Library received the following books from The Libri Foundation:

Children’s Fiction

Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See?
Best Best Friends
Big Bad Bunny
A Couple of Boys Have the Best Week Ever
Cowboy Slim
Diary of a Fly
Garmann’s Summer
A Good Day
Good Enough to Eat
Hickory Dickory Dock
Hurry! Hurry!
Julia Gillian
Just in Case
A Kitten Tale
Leonardo, the Terrible Monster
Library Lion
Lilly’s Big Day
The Moon Over Star
Mouse Shapes
My Colors, My World
Not a Box
Olivia Forms a Band
One Boy
Ruby Lu, Empress of Everything
Stinky Stern Forever
Thank You, Bear
A Visitor for Bear

Children’s Nonfiction:

A is for Art
Ain’t Nothing but a Man
Animal Poems
Good Brother, Bad Brother
Heavy Equipment up Close
Here’s a Little Poem
How High Can a Dinosaur Count
Jazz on a Saturday Night
Ladies First
Listen to the Wind
Mother Goose Numbers on the Loose
Our Eleanor
Ox, House, Stick
Paleo Bugs
The Real Mother Goose
A Second is a Hiccup
Sisters and Brothers
The Three Snow Bears
Tracking Trash
Tuttle’s Red Barn
Washington at Valley Forge
The Way We Work
What the World Eats
Who Was First?

Young Adult:

Guys Write for Guys Read
Here Lies the Librarian
The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey
A Small White Scar
Waiting for Normal

Math & Science:

Albino Animals
American Women Inventors
Animals on the Edge
Cool Stuff and How It Works
Forensic Science
Full House
Go Figure!
Killing Germs, Saving Lives
Learning from Fossils
Medicine in the Middle Ages
One Hundred Hungry Ants
One Well
Where in the Wild?
The Wishing Club

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