Microfilm of the following items is available at the Pember Library:
- Granville Record Book 1787-1826
- Census Rolls 1825-1925 (NYS census, Washington County towns)
- Morris Rote-Rosen 1920-1922, 1935-1984
- Granville Sentinel 1875-2003
- MISSING: 1878-1885, 1901-1913
The microfilm machine in the reference area is now up and running and prints from it look pretty readable. This machine also has a microfiche attachment. You can bring in your own microfiche to read (for example, some parts manuals are distributed in this way).
There is a second machine in the office which can be used as a reader. It has been cleaned and the electric film winder now works. Sorry, you cannot make prints from this machine.