What do you think of DearReader so far? If you have a Pember Library card you can reply to this post or send me an email and be entered into a drawing for a copy of the new Dean Koontz book Relentless. The books that will be featured next week are : Criminal Paradise by Steven M. Thomas audio The Contrarian Effect : Why It Pays (Big) to Take Typical Sales Advice and Do the Opposite by Michael Port, Elizabeth …
The third installment of best selling books of the Twentieth Century as detailed in Publisher’s Weekly: * 1920 The Man of the Forest, Zane Grey * 1921 Main Street, Sinclair Lewis * 1922 If Winter Comes, A.S.M. Hutchinson * 1923 Black Oxen, Gertrude Atherton * 1924 So Big, Edna Ferber * 1925 Soundings, A. Hamilton Gibbs * 1926 The Private Life of Helen of Troy, John Erskine * 1927 Elmer Gantry, Sinclair Lewis * 1928 The Bridge of San Luis …
Saturday is the summer reading program kick-off. This year’s theme is Be Creative @ Your Library. A storyteller on July 2 is also part of the summer program. See the post about Karen Pillsworth and Stone Soup. Children and teens can sign up at either of these programs or come in to the library during regular hours to sign up. Linda has programs planned through July and a party in August for those who participated. The teen program will be …
Stories from Stones…Stone Soup and a Little Bit More A “Be Creative @ Your Library” program. Children and teens will be able to sign up for summer reading after the performance. Karen says: “Listen…and you will hear stories from long ago and far away, and stories from today, as we go on an adventure into a world where friends are made and magic abounds. Some stories will find us in magical places and some will happen right in your backyard. …
Here’s a continuation of the best seller list I found last week (it’s from Publisher’s Weekly). Best sellers for the second decade of the twentieth century were: * 1910 The Rosary, Florence Barclay * 1911 The Broad Highway, Jeffrey Farnol * 1912 The Harvester, Gene Stratton Porter * 1913 The Inside of the Cup, Winston Churchill * 1914 The Eyes of the World, Harold Bell Wright * 1915 The Turmoil, Booth Tarkington * 1916 Seventeen, Booth Tarkington * 1917 Mr. …
I have been reading with the DearReader online book club for several years. Recently, the Friends of the Library agreed to sponsor the club through the Pember Library website / blog. I just finished reading the nonfiction selection for the week, Write it when I’m gone : remarkable off-the-record conversations with Gerald R. Ford by Thomas M. DeFrank. Over five days, I was able to read the first 19 pages of the book and get a feel for whether or …
Lisa Hoyt from the Dyken Pond Environmental Education Center will present an informational program about staying safe in the outdoors. Information will be given on rabies, Lyme disease and West Nile Virus. At the end of the program, participants will know what to look for, how to protect themselves and be able to feel secure venturing outdoors. She will also talk about native wildlife and safety around wild animals in general. Bernadette Hoffman, educator from the Pember Museum, will also …
Join us for a discussion of the upcoming book sale and other events. Becoming a member of the Friends is easy. Fill out a form and decide on your level of particpation. You can volunteer once a year to help with the book sale or the annual Open House, you can join our once a month meetings or volunteer on a regular basis helping out at the library. Dues categories are $2 for Junior Friends (under 18) , $5 -$50 …
…that you can see a list of new items we have added to the Pember Library’s collection by going to the catalog link and clicking on the arrow near ‘New Stuff’ at the bottom of the left column… Your choices are Fiction, Nonfiction, Children’s Books, or Videos/DVD. There is a link to New Stuff in the left column on this page that will get you there also. You can choose to subscribe to ‘New Stuff’ in RSS Reader if you …
Join us at the Pember Wednesday evening, when Sue Kowaleski will talk about a few options for planting a little garden with/for children. She will have a powerpoint to show with some fun vegetables for adults to grow with children. There would still be time for participants to get a little garden in the ground after June 17. Think about kids picking beans they planted themselves to have for supper! Or carving their own jack-o-lantern in October after watching it …