February First Friday Features Robotics Team First Friday at The Pember in Granville will feature Granville High School’s VEX Robotics team. Students will unleash their robots and have them travel an official obstacle course laid out on the floor of the Pember. Meanwhile, Jennifer Dashef ’s sixth-grade class will be showing off the art they have created on cabinet doors – abstract montage faces “meant to inspire acceptance, tolerance, individuality and creativity.” Steven Havel will provide music. Nearby …
The Pember Library and Museum Board of Trustees will be holding a board meeting on Sunday Feb 2, 2014 at 1pm in the Pember Library 33 West Main St Granville, NY 12832 The Board would welcome your attendance.
On January 25th at 10:30 the Pember Library welcomed a new volunteer. Lilly is a certified therapy dog with Therapy Dogs International. Lilly will be visiting the library monthly to provide a companionable audience for children to read with. Children of all ages and reading levels are encouraged to come down and pick out their favorite book to read to her. Lilly has recently been working with an adult population, but she loves kids! We are excited to start working …
The next selection for the Pember Book Club is Emily Dickinson, her letter to the world by Polly Longsworth KIRKUS REVIEW says: Emily Dickinson is a personality with a special attraction for adolescents. Her poems require little experience to scan, and once read retain their fascination by the elusive inscrutability of the message coupled with the simplicity of the images. Her own life enhances this interest. She was a woman who never seems to have grown old, and the mystery …
NY State Tax forms: http://www.tax.ny.gov/forms/ to get all NYS forms ($.25 per page if you use our printers and ink). Federal tax forms can be downloaded them from the internet, ($.25 per page if you use our printers and ink). Go to http://www.irs.gov/Forms-&-Pubs where you can access and acquire both electronic and print media.
A meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Pember Library and Museum will be held on the third Wednesday of each month at the Pember. This is a regular meeting and open to the public.
from GoodReads: The bestselling author of Truman and John Adams, David McCullough has written profiles of exceptional men and women past and present who have not only shaped the course of history or changed how we see the world but whose stories express much that is timeless about the human condition. Here are Alexander von Humboldt, whose epic explorations of South America surpassed the Lewis and Clark expedition; Harriet Beecher Stowe, “the little woman who made the big war”; Frederic …
The Pember Library will be closed December 22 through December 25. We will have regular hours December 26-28 and be closed December 29-January 1.
The library closed early today because of inclement weather and poor road conditions. We apologize for any inconvenience.