Our third activity kit is Journals and fractured fairy tales. Imagine your story using the story hints. Then write in your journal. There are pencils, colored pencils, a sharpener, some stickers etc etc. This picture asks you to rewrite the story of the Princess and the Pea from the viewpoint of the prince. I tried it. It isn’t easy! But it was fun. My story involves a Prince named Hartley, three beautiful girls named Isobel, Rosalind, & Sadie and Queen Morrigan and King Rory and of course a pea (or two or three?).
Anyway call the library or email to reserve a journal kit for your family.

Don’t forget to join our online summer reading: You can sign up at https://pemberny11.readsquared.com/
and keep track of your reading there. Or print out paper logs https://gralib.sals.edu/summer-reading-3/
to keep track and return to the library in September.