It is taking me longer than planned to put together the panels for the “lapghans.” As usual, there are too many other obligations… We will continue to provide a space for those who want to get together with their yarn projects, get a little help or some encouragement, or maybe just have a chat while you are working.  Alice is working on another baby afghan, Peggy is making more chemo hats and I am still on the same granny afghan.
Computers for Seniors
Barb Young will be teaching another session of computer classes for Senior Citizens (age 49 or over) at the Pember Library. Classes will run from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM Mondays and Fridays from May  10 through May 28. Classes will cover internet and email, word processing, and using the library card catalog with databases. You must pre-register for the series of classes. Class size is limited to eight people. Please call the library to register or for more information …
Pember Board Meeting / Friends of the Library Meeting
A meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Pember Library and Museum will be held on the first Wednesday of each month at the Pember. This is a regular meeting and open to the public. This month the Friends of the Library will be guests of the Pember Board. After meeting together, each group will have a separate meeting.
Book Club
The Pember Book Club will be reading Half Broke Horses by Jeannette Walls. Join us for a discussion about a book listed as “true life novel.” The subject of the book is the author’s maternal grandmother.  Walls set out to tell the story of this grandmother as a biography but found that she needed to fill in too many places for it to be really nonfiction.
Computer Classes for Senior Citizens
Barb Young will be teaching another session of computer classes for Senior Citizens (age 49 or over) at the Pember Library. Classes will run from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM Mondays and Fridays from April 19 through May 7. Classes will cover internet and email, word processing, and using the library card catalog with databases. You must pre-register for the series of classes. Class size is limited to eight people. Please call the library to register or for more information …
April Children’s Programs
April 3 – Monkeys April 10 – Stars / Astronomy April 17 -“if you give a mouse a cookie” April 24 – Learn with Linda – April Showers / Arbor Day
Friend’s Meeting
The Friends of the Library will be meeting at 1pm on April 13. Items up for discussion are the book sale and other ways to raise money.
The knit-in continues! One ‘lapghan’ is complete. I have the panels for two more; they just need to be sewn together. I will post photos when they are done. Three will be donated to the Haynes House and the fourth will be raffled off at the library. We plan to work on ‘chemo hats’ next with some patterns available at the library. Of course, everyone is welcome to come in and work on their own project and just chat with …
Pember Presents: Astronomy for Everyone
Come learn about and experience space travel, sunspots, craters on the moon, the planets, star clusters, nebulae, and distant galaxies. Astrophysicist Kevin Manning, a former consultant with NASA, has always been passionate about astronomy, and wants to share the excitement with you! Learn about the size and scale of the universe, the stars, and other celestial wonders.
Fireside Stories
Fire Safety for Kids Should Be A Year-Round Lesson. Join us at the Pember this Saturday when Tom from the Granville Hook and Ladder Fire Company will be talking to the kids about Fire Safety! He may bring a fire truck! There will be fire hats and goodies for the kids!